Resilience Canopy Practitioner Training

Resilience Canopy Practitioner Toolkit Templates

These are the templates that Resilience Practitioners can use when working through the 6-step process with community

Assessing Community Readiness to Engage
Canopy Community poster - blank
Community Connections Map
Community Resilience Priorities Implementation Plan Template
Community Survey Template
Resilient Communities Framework – SWEAT Analysis Template
Stakeholder Mapping Template
Strengths and Worries – Opportunities and Enablers Template
SWEAT Analysis Template
The Pitch Template

Assessing Community Readiness to Engage

This activity aims to facilitate an exploration of your understanding of a community and enable an evaluation of its context and readiness to engage in the community-led resilience journey. This exercise should be undertaken when you are identifying a community to engage in community resilience planning a critical step to feel confident that the community you are working with is ready.

Stakeholder Mapping Template

This stakeholder map is designed to help you identify who should be involved in early engagement (such as the inception meeting) and your commitment of engagement to them, it serves as a visual representation of the key stakeholders involved in your journey. Mapping your stakeholder is crucial for fostering collaboration and will lead to a more inclusive process, because you are actively considering the range of people/organisations that will be a part of this journey.

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